Saturday 11 January 2014

January 11th. Resolution update.

At the end of last year I set my self some . New year resolutions.  Not the usual ones, but some which are sustainable, measurable and enjoyable.  So how have I done?

  1. Write a blog post a day.  This has actually proven more difficult to achieve than I first thought. The general constraints of daily life along with bloggers blindness has already put me a day behind.  I'm not going to allow that to put me off though as I have plenty of things coming up to write about. I have been involved in a facebook group of bloggers which has led me in lots of different directions.I enjoy reading other's blogs and am interested in comments left on mine.
  2. Take a photo a day. So far so good and enjoying the challenge of finding things which inspire me.
  3. Have a date night with Hubby once a month. We haven't reached the end yet so there is still time!!! As I am still off the alcohol maybe a night at the cinema rather than a pub or Restaurant is on the cards.
  4. Eat dinner at the table at least twice a week with no TV. This could be going better. Maybe it would help if I didn't use the dining table as a dumping ground!!  We have stuck to this a few times, and it has been nice.  We spend little quality time together as a family so what a perfect way to do this.  Since recovery from my eating disorder its so refreshing to have a positive outlook on food, especially the social aspect. Food is something to be enjoyed, savoured and tasted.
  5. To have Toby, his Girlfriend and Son round to Sunday Lunch once a month.  Unfortunately Claire's shifts haven't worked for this, but Toby has eaten with us so that's a bonus.
  6. Write a letter to an online friend and post it every month. So far I have managed a Birthday Card to New York.  The letter is in the process.
  7. Walk at least an hour twice a week regardless of the weather.  Epic fail!!!!  I have signed up with my personal trainer again starting next week.  I need to get my motivation back.
  8. Beat last years time for The Cancer Research walking Marathon. This will happen!!
  9. Stop going into work early to get things finished. Have got myself more organised. Things are mostly on track. Stress levels gone down.
  10. Get up for work 30 minutes earlier and eat Breakfast. Seriously think this will never happen!!
Not bad I think....and no cigarettes.


  1. Hi Jackie! I really enjoy how candid you are in what you wrote for your new year resolutions and the picture is a nice touch. I have some commitments for 2014 along the same lines as you. One of the things (#3 on your list) I starting doing in October of 2013 was implementing a date night once a week with my husband. I realize now that I got busy and I haven't stuck to that. I think it's really important for me to do so I'm going to start back. Thanks for sharing.

  2. It's good to check in and keep track of resolutions. I better go look at mine again. . .


Eating disorders awareness week 2019

I didn't just wake up one day and decide not to eat. It started with difficulties at work. I wasn't coping, was crippled with anxie...